
If World War One and Two had never happened what would the world be like now?

by Jon Mixon

  • There would have been numerous smaller wars in Europe, even today. - Both world wars are what it took to convince Europe that its centuries of warfare really were unsustainable. Without them, Europe would remain the seething cauldron of ethnic and racial hatred that it was just after the turn of the 20th century.

  • Europe would have colonized The Levant, Palestine and portions of Asia Minor when the Ottoman Empire collapsed - There was no way even without WWI that the Ottomans would ruled their empire after 1920 or so. The regime was to decadent and its rulers were too incompetent to have prevented its eventual collapse. European power would have stepped in and divvied up what was leftover when this occurred.

  • Southern Europe would have likely been either colonized by Northern Europe or fell under its influence - This can be seen by Churchill’s request that Greece fall under British influence after WWII. Southern Europe, particularly the Balkans was exceptionally weak and it would have fell under the domination of the stronger states on the continent.

  • The Hapsburg Empire would have become part of Germany - Even if Franz Ferdinand had not been assassinated, his empire was in a steady state of decay. Eventually Germany would have absorbed major portions of the empire into it and it all would have been a Greater Germany.

  • The following nations would not now exist - Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Bulgaria (part of a Greater Russia or whatever state took over in that region), any of various states of the former Yugoslavia, the former Czechoslovakia, Israel, Lebanon, Syria. Libya, Cyprus, the majority of the African states and the majority of nations in Asia, particularly South Asia.

  • Russia would now be a republic - The Tsar eventually would have been forced to abdicate (his position was weakened after the Russo-Japanese War in 1905 and never recovered) as he had only a single male heir and he was unlikely to have made it to adulthood due to his haemophilia. Without Germany to return the exiled Lenin to Russia, there would have been no Bolshevik Revolution and so Russia would have become a republic or a democratically-leaning oligarchy.

  • Islam would have been confined to SW Asia, North Africa Asia Minor. NW India and the islands now known as Indonesia. - Without the governments in Northern and Western Europe being weakened by war, they would have efficiently and effectively suppressed Islam in their colonies. World wars weakened the European powers and thus granted independence for their former colonies. Colonial leaders would not have brooked the spread of Islam.

  • There would be few independent nations in the Caribbean - Europe would not have allowed its colonies (among their weakest) to become independent.

  • The United States would be an important world power, but not the dominant one - The United States would have still “ruled” the New World, but it would have far less influence in the world than it does today.

  • Without the need of warfare to drive their development, many of today’s inventions would have been postponed 10-15 years or simply never invented - This exhaustive list includes: radar, jet aircraft, modern rockets, telemetry, home computers, satellites, the integrated circuit, lasers and, of course, nuclear weapons.
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